I'm currently not going to upkeep this site, and focus on the content on my youtube channel (at JohnInk.com). Also, for updates on when new things are coming, follow me on facebook or twitter.


August 30, 2011


August 29, 2011


August 22, 2011

Let’s say…

Urnesto returns



Technical Difficulties

August 18, 2011

JohnInk.com HQ is currently recovering from a power outage, and some minor indoor flooding. But, Urnesto can’t be stopped. We hope to be back someday.

3 Days Left!

August 12, 2011

Urnesto… Comic 2

August 4, 2011

What have I been doing? Only working on the second installment of my annual web comic, Urnesto the Eggplanto. This one is going to be bigger and better than ever! I can’t wait to see how famous it makes me!

When we last left our hero…

The adventure continues


Are you ready?…

After School Special

July 11, 2011

I had some stuff come up this week, so I had to throw this together. Hope you didn’t notice.

Financially stable

July 10, 2011

I went out to celebrate my financial stability today. Then, my car broke down. I tell you this not so you feel sorry for me, but so you can laugh at my misfortune. Spread the joy! :)

Emoticons are stupid.